Saturday, May 5, 2012

Is Sugery "Cheating"?

This topic has come up recently in a few different contexts... A friend who is having the surgery feels like it's "cheating" and I found myself telling someone who also struggles with weight issues that I "cheated" by having it done.

Which got me to thinking... Is gastric bypass cheating? And here's my thoughts on the subject:

Surgery is looking at your weight and making a lifelong commitment to change it. It takes out the 'willpower' argument at first. But it doesn't make it "easy". Saying we are cheating implies it is easy.

I often tell people you don't do this if you never want to think about food again. Because you simply can't live your life that way. I have to consciously plan out and weigh (he he) every option before I eat a thing.

And in the end, this is a tool. And if surgery is cheating then I guess using a diet plan or exercise machine is cheating too.

I think I tend to use the word "cheating" as a way to belittle my own battle and decision, too. As I posted early on, this was a big, scary, difficult decision I made and belittling it makes it a little less so, I think.

But in the end, it was absolutely the right decision for me to gain control of an aspect of my life that had always eluded me.